05.05.2017-“Lake Jackson is deep enough for sailing” Article in Tallahassee Democrat

5.5.2017 “Lake Jackson is deep enough for sailing” Article in Tallahassee Democrat

Did you know that Lake Jackson is the jewel of Leon County and the place for free fun on the water?

Located just 4 ½ miles north of the heart of downtown Tallahassee, this unique 4,000-acre lake is a somewhat underappreciated (and even unknown to many Tallahasseeans) natural lake used for fishing, skiing, kayaking, birding, hunting and even for flying ultralights. But, for some reason, sailboats are a rare sight on the lake, which is curious.

Since February of 2014, the lake has been at a level that provides more than 6-foot depths in many places, which is deep enough for most small sailboats. Do check your boat’s draft, of course.  Also, the lake is large enough to provide long wind runs which reduce gustiness and is great for sailing. There are six boat landings around the lake and two of these are well suited for direct access to the open water in the south end of the lake…READ FULL ARTICLE ONLINE


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